TOLL-FREE 1.800.755.1330

About us

At SkiCanada, we design dream winter vacations for groups and individual travelers to over a dozen spectacular resorts in Canada.

SkiCanada’s winter vacation destinations are close to home for Americans. Yet they provide the adventure of a far-away journey, a touch of the charm of Europe, unique Canadian hospitality, and a great currency exchange advantage.

We believe that a vacation can only be successful when it is custom-tailored to fit the requirements and preferences of each person. Our job is to make sure that everyone gets the right balance of comfort and excitement to produce the experience of a lifetime.

Each request is given individual attention by one of our knowledgeable Destination Specialists who will find the best Canadian arrangements for each individual traveler.

SkiCanada is an IATAN appointed travel agency.

Active membership is maintained in major trade associations: American Society of Travel Agents’ TOP (Tour Operator Program), National Tour Association, SnowSports Industries America, National Ski Areas Association, Tourism and Travel Research Association, and the North American Snowsports Journalists Association.


Sandy Best

sandyI started my working life skiing in Meribel in the French Alps where I ran my own chalet. I spent the days skiing with guests and then we would all dine together in the evening. In the summer I was flotilla sailing first in the Greek Islands then in Ibiza and the Balearic Islands. In 1986 I discovered skiing in the USA as the North American Correspondent for the UK Ski Special magazine. I spent 3 seasons skiing around the USA. In 1989 I finally made it to Canada working for Lake Louise where I spent the days skiing or traveling the world talking about skiing in Canada. In 2001 I started the company Ski Canada in Houston Texas in partnership with Ski Europe I specialized in selling group and council trips to Canada and Europe. Ski Europe joined with Alpine Adventures then I to joined Rick and the team with Ski Canada. I spend the winters skiing or talking about skiing and I am based in Banff Lake Louise. In the summer if I am not skiing in New Zealand or South America I am sailing in the South Pacific on my yacht Taboo Tiki with my wife and partner Cathy.

My life is skiing, sailing, scuba diving, scotch, and well you can guess the rest. I love arranging memorable trips to some of the best ski destinations in the world for our guests and I get to ski with them as well. And when the snow melts I sail on it or dive in it.




For Reservations:
3020 N. Federal Hwy. Bldg.10
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306